Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse

Chapter 211 - 211 - Goodbyes

Yue got the news that the team was leaving by the next morning. He packed up all his things and headed home. This trip could take a few days because the reservoir might need some repair. He wanted to say his goodbyes to his parents.

When he got there Tian Juda and Lui were already there sitting on the sofa talking about something in a hushed tone. The girls really bonded after they started their new job. Even Tian, who was reclusive, chatted and laughed a lot.

"Yue," his mum excitedly came out of her room. "Oh my baby, I missed you so much," she ran to him but suddenly she tripped on the pea vine spread on the ground.

"Whoa, carful," Yue caught her just in time.

Hus mum pouted, patting down her dress. "Wei! Clean your roots up! Why are they still on the ground?"

His dad came out of the room yawning. "I\'m tired of taking care of that,"

"You have one job, my darling husband. Keep the roots off the ground. I almost tripped." She said with a deep glare.

"You tripped?" he hurriedly ran to her. "Did you get hurt? I\'m sorry I will clean it up immediately."

"It\'s fine. Have dinner first and take some rest. You look more tired these days," she said, worriedly patting his cheeks.

"I\'m feeling too sleepy. Don\'t know why,"

Yue sat down on the dining table. "It\'s because you\'re overusing your ability, dad. Just take some rest and you will be good in a day or so. How is your control over the plant now?"

He sat next to him, patting his head. "Good." He casually touched the vines spread on the table and the plant root slithered away over to the ceiling.

"Cool, mum, what about your ability? Are you getting any good at it?"

"Of course. Look at my magic trick." he ran to the kitchen and came out a tray full of food. The rice was in a mini bowl, and so was the chicken sausage gravy she had made. "We ran out of chicken and meat. I hope everyone is okay with sausage,"

"I don\'t think that will be enough even if you duplicate it.."

"shhh, just watch," she touched the bowls. Right before their eyes, the bowls slightly enlarged in size and were duplicated into six bowls.

Yue gasped. "Mum, did you..."

"I don\'t know. It just happened one day." She excitedly served the bowls to them. "I\'ve also duplicated bullets for you Tian. I don\'t know which ones are for which gun though. You might have to sort them out. I still can\'t duplicate guns."

"It\'s okay, I\'ll make sure not to lose the guns. Did you try duplicating swords? Yue can use one,"

"Yeah mum can you?" he excitedly looked at her.

"Definitely. First, eat. I will duplicate a sword and a few arrows."

Yue pouted. "Don\'t need arrows, mum. I can\'t control my strength and my bow always snaps. I don\'t think I can even use my bow and arrow. It\'s all a waste,"

"I want to learn," Juda excitedly raised her hand up.

Yue nodded. "Hmm, Tian do you know who to? You can teach her,"

"I don\'t know how to. How difficult can it be?" she shrugged.

Yue just shook his head. His sister was unsurprisingly good at learning new things. May it be nursing wounds or swinging a sword. She learned everything quickly. She was an expert decision-maker, worked so well under pressure, and was rational….

His sister was just perfect.

\'She would make an outstanding leader,\'

He had jokingly once asked her if she wanted to manage this settlement. She just gave him a look and said, \'I want to be lazy.\'

Yue chuckled softly, gazing at her.

"Something on my face?" Tian wiped her mouth.

"Nope, just admiring your beauty"

"Ay, just eat," she gestured to the rice bowl. "Oh mum, our mission might take longer this time. We won\'t return for a while. Can Juda and Lui stay here," she said, biting into a small piece of sausage.

Everyone went silent.

Yue silently smirked, looking at his mum. She was on the verge of tears. She secretly hid her eyes and nodded. "t-they can.. It\'s their home too. H-how is your new place? Is it comfortable? Are you eating well?"

"Hmm, we have solar electricity… and Juda cooks well." She nodded. She just looked around, confused at the weird gazes she was getting. "Seriously, is there something on my face?"

Juda simply pinched her cheeks. "Just beauty,"

"Gosh not you too," Tian pinched her cheeks back. "Eat, don\'t talk while eating." She shoved a sausage into her mouth.

Juda just chuckled softly.

Lui, who was next to them, sighed. "Yue, how do I seduce your uncle?"

Yue almost spat out the rice in his mouth. "m-my uncle?! He is old!"

"che, not uncle Wen. I\'m talking about your uncle Bohai," she winked at him.

Yue let out a breath of relief. "I don\'t know. Did you try talking to him?"

"Hmm... he was kind and sweet. But he did not show any interest in me. Maybe he\'s like you attracted to men. Did you get that vibe from him?"

Yue thought about it a bit. Bohai did not show any explicit interest in him as well. He was just cordial and kind whenever they met. "I don\'t know. You can ask him though,"

"How can I ask him that? Some men find it offensive. Plus, I think it\'s too rude of me to ask such an intimate question," she slumped on the table.

Both of his parents stayed silent, listening to the youngsters speak. his mother was barely holding back her emotional tears though.

"sighhh…." Lui sighed loudly.

Juda just patted her head. "I\'ll give you an idea. Give him a magazine with both male models and female models. Ask him which one looks good,"

Tian slightly pinched her hand. "Won\'t work, Lui, just ask him outright. \'"Hey you interested in me? Will you date me?" that works,"

"For you, it will. You are smoking hot." Lui pouted. "Fine, I\'ll ask him directly. If he rejects me bad for him," she ate her food with relish after that.

Before he knew it, their bowls were empty and their tummies were full. The room was filled with laughter as his parents recounted some of their epic stories of their youth.

Yue happily listened to it. Halfway through, his eye drooped. He retired to his room and laid down on the bed.

A small light lit up the neighboring window.

"Fan\'s back~.. psst. Psst Fan, ah," he tossed a few pebbles he had in a small satchel. Previously, he had collected them to shoot at zombies. Now it became their small romantic signal.

Fan Xui opened the window with a surprised look on his face. "you still haven\'t gone to sleep yet? Tomorrow is a big day. Sleep early,"

"Won\'t you visit my dreams? I\'m too tired, but I want to keep looking at your handsome face,"

Fan Xui\'s cheeks flushed slightly. "Your dad is home.... if not I would have visited your bed. I bet there won\'t be any dreaming involved.. Only moaning,"

Yue chuckled softly. "Nah, I\'m good with just dreams for today. Don\'t want my ass on fire when we are traveling," he went to close the window.

"Yue wait...does it still hurt? I was too rough with you.. I\'m sorry,"

"It doesn\'t hurt. Just a little sore." He gave him an air kiss. "Boyfriend, I\'m heading to bed. Good night,"

"Sweet dreams,"

"Yes~ dreams filled with your handsome face~"

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