Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 401 Covert Ops-3

Chapter 401  Covert Ops-3

" What\'s happening?" Zero asked urgently.

" It must be because of the noise! We will do something about it in the meantime, try to load the transport." Steve said and took Jane with him toward the warehouse entrance.

He looked around, trying to come up with a believable plan. There were many things stored in the warehouse, most of which were useless, but there had to be something they could use.

" Jane?"

" That! I got it, follow me!" Jane took his hand and moved toward the corner. She leapt into his embrace and started kissing him violently.

" Wait! This is not the time-"

" Shut up and kiss me back!" She ordered him.

The footsteps were getting louder and louder; they would be here any moment now! Just as the door opened, she pushed him back, and they both tumbled over a big rack making loud noises.

" Who is there? You!" The guard at the entry led a few people who immediately spotted them.

He witnessed a middle-aged man making out passionately with a young girl without caring about his surroundings.

It was then many steel pipes fell from the shelf making loud noises. It was ear-piercing, making everyone flinch hearing it.

" What the hell are you doing?"

" Ahh!" Jane acted surprised and started fixing her clothes. Steve didn\'t know what to do; he was rooted in his place.

It was then many steel pipes fell from the shelf making loud noises. It was ear-piercing, making everyone flinch hearing it.

" Sir, I am sorry. It\'s just-"

" Fuck! Can\'t you control yourself! It\'s middle of the night!" He looked at both of their embarrassed faces and an array of pipes lying around on the floor. These were used to hang large umbrellas, and the company provided them free of charge for their customers.

" We are sorry!"

" His own employee banging his daughter?" He thought and came to his own conclusion.

" Fix everything and get the hell out of here!" He gave a few orders before he took everyone back to their post. It was already two o\'clock, and they were exhausted to deal with these two exhibitionists!

" Yes sir, sorry sir." Steve kept apologising profusely until they left the scene.

" That was a close one. Good thing that they bought our performance." Jane sighed in relief.

" Right." Steve wiggled around in his pant, trying to calm down. Jane was solemnly aggressive in their love life, and her having her way with him earlier sparked new desires within him.

" We are done here. Leave before anymore trouble arises." Zero also notified them.

" What about the clean up?" Arthur asked.

" We will take care of it. Now go!"

With that settled, Steve took the wheels and headed for the exit. They went through another inspection, but the guards didn\'t recheck the hidden compartment. After passing the assessment, Steve drove toward Zero\'s base and handed them the suspect.

The mission was a huge success; they could learn more about this unknown entity by interrogating the suspect, but the primary source of information was the things Jane collected.




The following noon, Jane, Arthur and Zero, disguised as Five, were having a meeting. It was unscheduled, but Jane insisted she found something substantial on the enemy.

" Have you learned anything from him?" Arthur asked.

" Not yet. We are marinating him in a dark hole to drill in his head the situation he is in. It works wonders to extract information out of anyone." Zero said with a smile hidden from everyone else, but his eyes said he was enjoying it.

" What about the girl that was injured? Is she fine?" Jane asked next.

" Yes, she is recuperating but will make full recovery in few weeks but let\'s get to the point why you called us here." Zero asked directly.

" Right, I found this ledger in the stuff I recovered last night. The front is engraved with a unknown symbol. Do any of you know anything about it?" She presented her findings.

The front was plastered with a strange logo, a circle with six dots, and an exquisite crown at its centre. Many lines connected the large dots with six different tips of the crown. Jane had searched all night for any clue about it, but she couldn\'t come up with anything.

Even Adrian, who had been working on it since morning, failed to come up with anything. It only meant one of two things either it was a nonsense doodling or something wholly hidden from the internet. The latter possibility was absurd, but they couldn\'t rule out either of them.

Zero flinched for a second as soon as he saw the symbol, it was not like him to lose composure over anything, but this was something that should never be revealed to the world.

" You seem to know something right?" Arthur asked him.

" No, I just thought it looked awfully similar to the house of Medici coat of arms. But we all know that it is impossible for it to connected to us after all it was destroyed by young master all those years ago." Zero said after composing himself.

" Is that so?" Arthur squinted his eyes, he was sure Zero was hiding something, but he couldn\'t press it without any proof.

" We can investigate it later but we have a more pressing issue at our hand." Jane paused for a moment.

" I cracked their encryption, it was not that hard considering it was based on this book that I took from the same locker." Jane presented the cypher book, which was strangely titled \'Master of the World\' by Jules Verne.

" What does it say?"

" Everything, it\'s their log book containing the places they visit and where the children were smuggled to. I got it all!"

" Really?"

" Yes, Here I have copies for you." She handed them a diluted version of information, but it was enough to open their eyes.

Colombia, South Africa, India, the UK, China, the US, Mexico.... dozens of countries were listed along with specific ports and landing zone. The scale was so massive that it was hard to believe it was that big. The foundation was only the tip of the iceberg. They had their tentacles on everything!

What\'s worse, it was a logbook for only one boat; who knew how many more were out there?

By the end of the meeting, they concluded they would need considerable manpower to deal with this issue. They had to contact Samuel immediately to read him in their revelation.

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